>> Une "Place Tahir" se prépare à Washington pour OCTOBRE 2011

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"Octobre 2011 sera le 10ème anniversaire de l’invasion de l’Afghanistan et le début de l’austérité du budget fédéral de 2012.



Il est temps de déclencher une transition véritablement démocratique et non-violente vers un monde où les gens seront libres de créer des solutions justes et durables..."


SUITE (en anglais) : http://october2011.org/

ANSWER, Backbone Campaign, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists’ Social Justice Committee, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Black Agenda Report, Board of Social Action - Plymouth Congregational UCC, Washington, D.C. , Bohemian Grove Action Network, Brandywine Peace Community, Campaign for Peace and Democracy, Cities for Peace, Class War Films, Code Pink, Delaware Pacem in Terris, Firedoglake, Food Not Bombs, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Green Party of New Jersey, Green Party U.S., International Action Center, ItsOurEconomy, Liberty Tree, Liberty Underground of Virginia, Los Angeles Catholic Worker, March Forward, March 10th Immigration Movement - Chicago, Montgomery County Human Rights Coalition, Move To Amend, National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Network of Spiritual Progressives, Peace of the Action, Peaceworkers, New Progressive Alliance, No More Victims, Office of the Americas, Peace Fresno, People for a New Society, Phil Berrigan Institute for Nonviolence, Progressive Democrats of America, Progressive Democratic Workers of America, Single Payer Action, Society for the Preservation of Continued Homeownership, StandFast, Syracuse Peace Council, The Progressive Blitz, Tikkun, United National Antiwar Committee, Velvet Revoution, Veterans for Peace, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, War Criminals Watch, War Is A Crime, World Can’t Wait

SUITE (en anglais) : http://october2011.org/

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